Changing the Equation: Redesigning Developmental Math

Changing the Equation was a major program funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to engage the nation’s community colleges in a successful redesign of their remedial/developmental math sequences. Participating institutions improved student learning outcomes while reducing costs for both students and institutions using NCAT's proven redesign methodology. Each participant redesigned its entire developmental math sequence--all sections of all developmental courses offered--using NCAT's Emporium Model and commercially available instructional software. Each redesign modularized the curriculum, allowing students to progress through the developmental course sequence at a faster pace if possible or at a slower pace if necessary, spending the amount of time needed to master the course content. Institutions fully implemented their redesign plans in fall 2011.

Full Progam Description
A full description of the program's purposes and its place in the panoply of developmental math reform..

Facts at a Glance
Charts showing comparative data for the original 38 participating institutions including enrollments, models, courses, modules, cost reduction strategies along with a narrative summary of the data.

Project Descriptions
Project plans, final reports and contact information for the Changing the Equation projects.

Outcomes Analysis
Final results and lessons learned from 32 redesign projects.

Archived information from the Changing the Equation application process.

This project was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.