Workshop I: An Orientation to Course Redesign

Registration Information

Date: November 15, 2007
Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Place: The Old Capitol Inn, 226 North State Street , in Jackson , MS 39201

To Register:

Send an email to Ms. Menia Dykes at

1. Subject line: “Registration for Course Redesign Orientation”

2. Please include the following information:

• Your name and title
• Academic unit and university
• Phone and email

3. You may register multiple attendees from the same academic unit in a single email; please include phone and email for each attendee.

4. You will receive a confirmation email with specific details about the location and logistics of your orientation session.



Workshop participants should read the following prior to the workshop:


For more information about the orientation workshops, the Mississippi Course Redesign Initiative, or NCAT, please contact: